Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) is the number of calories required to keep your body functioning at rest. BMR is also known as your body’s metabolism. Calculator uses the Harris Benedict Equation to determine your total daily energy expenditure.
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Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) is the number of calories required to keep your body functioning at rest. BMR is also known as your body’s metabolism. Calculator uses the Harris Benedict Equation to determine your total daily energy expenditure.
The daily calorie needs is the amount of calories you could consume each day and neither lose or gain weight. To get the fat loss figure the 20% of calories is subtracted.
Trainer-Guided Packages are designed for clients interested in one on one interactions with a trainer, for clients who enjoy being pushed during a session, for clients who need help with consistency and accountability or for the beginning client with minimal body awareness or exercise experience.
Trainer-Guided Packages are designed for clients interested in one on one interactions with a trainer, for clients who enjoy being pushed during a session, for clients who need help with consistency and accountability or for the beginning client with minimal body awareness or exercise experience.
Trainer-Guided Packages are designed for clients interested in one on one interactions with a trainer, for clients who enjoy being pushed during a session, for clients who need help with consistency and accountability or for the beginning client with minimal body awareness or exercise experience.
Self-Guided Packages are meant for clients with great body awareness who can confidently activate their core, for clients who are self-motivated, for clients who do not need one on one interaction with a trainer and for clients that either have difficulty developing a training program that address their goals and muscular imbalances, want new ideas for their current workout routine or want help in developing a dietary macro plan. These packages decease in price as time progresses.
Self-Guided Packages are meant for clients with great body awareness who can confidently activate their core, for clients who are self-motivated, for clients who do not need one on one interaction with a trainer and for clients that either have difficulty developing a training program that address their goals and muscular imbalances, want new ideas for their current workout routine or want help in developing a dietary macro plan. These packages decease in price as time progresses.
Self-Guided Packages are meant for clients with great body awareness who can confidently activate their core, for clients who are self-motivated, for clients who do not need one on one interaction with a trainer and for clients that either have difficulty developing a training program that address their goals and muscular imbalances, want new ideas for their current workout routine or want help in developing a dietary macro plan. These packages decease in price as time progresses.