• 19APR, 2022
    Functional Standards for The Average Gym Goer

    Functional Standards for The Average Gym Goer

    There are athletic standards for competitors. Be it powerlifters, basketball players, sprinters, etc. Each discipline has a baseline of fitness necessary for its athletes to perform. But what are the baseline standards for the person who isn’t participating in competitive sports or looking to win a gold medal? What moves should we all be able to perform if we want to live a relatively pain-free and healthy lifestyle? I’ve found that the clients capable of at least performing these moves greatly reduce their probability of injury and interact in the world in a pain-free way. These exercises by no means represent a complete functional strength program but they serve as a baseline to decrease the probability of injury. Before we discuss these moves let’s consider a few things.

  • 01FEB, 2022
    5 Easy Steps to Finding a Good Trainer

    5 Easy Steps to Finding a Good Trainer

    We all should have at least 6 months of monitored training to learn proper mechanics, movement and how the body works. As a trainer I know this statement is biased, but I think it’s safe to say that there are benefits to working with a professional to improve your overall health. Unfortunately, for every great trainer there is also a not-so-great trainer mucking up the industry. With so many options how do we choose the right person for us? Here are 5 easy steps to help you find the right trainer for you. Before we begin let’s take a closer look at the word “trainer.”

  • 22OCT, 2021
    Seven Characteristics of a Quality Trainer

    Seven Characteristics of a Quality Trainer

    Personal trainers can be instrumental in your health. Choose the right one and they’ll change your life for the better. Choose the wrong one and you’ll believe that fitness is not for you. So, how do we know if we’re working with a quality trainer? Here are seven characteristics to look for when working with a trainer.
    Before I begin, I’d like to define the difference between a trainer and a mover. A trainer uses

  • 29JUL, 2021
    Are We Being Honest in the Work That We’re Willing to Invest?

    Are We Being Honest in the Work That We’re Willing to Invest?

    A few months back I decided I wanted to drop a few pounds. I set my goals, “adjusted my diet” and began the work. Four weeks in and I stepped on the scale. “What, it’s been four weeks and I haven’t lost a pound?” We’ve all been there, beginning a journey with a unique goal in mind only to find little to no change after time has passed. My results, though disappointing, could lead to faulty conclusions. “I’ll never

  • 01APR, 2021
    Working Out Healthily: A Change in Perspective Around Fitness

    Working Out Healthily: A Change in Perspective Around Fitness

    I recently had a conversation with a freshly converted health enthusiast. Having never worked out, this 3-month desk job novice beamed as he shared with me the “new move” that “kicked his butt”, burpees. I smiled listening to his excitement but inside my heart sank. I could see his slouched shoulders and forward head posture. His goal was to be healthy and more functionally sound. Yet his enthusiasm was not in fixing his shoulders, it was in completing a “hard core” move. Burpees, though

  • 25DEC, 2020
    How to Start Working Out

    How to Start Working Out

    CrossFit, bodybuilding, interval training, HIIT, keto, low carb, IFFYM, paleo. With so much information on fitness it’s easy for us to get confused with what to do. Making the decision to exercise is hard enough without having to sift through countless programs professing “the way.”
    As a trainer I’m often

Trainer-Guided Packages are designed for clients interested in one on one interactions with a trainer, for clients who enjoy being pushed during a session, for clients who need help with consistency and accountability or for the beginning client with minimal body awareness or exercise experience.

Option 1

  • One weekly individualized session with a trainer for 50 minutes of one on one time. Goal setting, diet, rehab and prehab work are addressed (exercises outside of sessions are given when appropriate)
  • Two weekly 50-minute group sessions. Workouts alternate between upper body, lower body and functional sessions with monthly metabolic conditioning workouts and periodic mobility classes as needed.
  • Elements of Option 5 and 6 are included
  • ALL sessions include a detailed recap of the exercises used during the workout.
  • Trainer available for questions at anytime

Trainer-Guided Packages are designed for clients interested in one on one interactions with a trainer, for clients who enjoy being pushed during a session, for clients who need help with consistency and accountability or for the beginning client with minimal body awareness or exercise experience.

Option 2

  • One weekly individualized session with a trainer for 50 minutes of one on one time. Goal setting, diet, rehab and prehab work are addressed (exercises outside of sessions are given when appropriate)
  • One weekly 50-minute group sessions. Workouts alternate between upper body, lower body and functional sessions with monthly metabolic conditioning workouts and periodic mobility classes as needed.
  • Elements of Option 5 and 6 are included
  • ALL sessions include a detailed recap of the exercises used during the workout.
  • Trainer available for questions at anytime

Trainer-Guided Packages are designed for clients interested in one on one interactions with a trainer, for clients who enjoy being pushed during a session, for clients who need help with consistency and accountability or for the beginning client with minimal body awareness or exercise experience.

Option 3

  • One weekly individualized session with a trainer for 50 minutes of one on one time. Goal setting, diet, rehab and prehab work are addressed (exercises outside of sessions are given when appropriate)
  • Elements of Option 5 and 6 are included
  • ALL sessions include a detailed recap of the exercises used during the workout.
  • Trainer available for questions at anytime

Self-Guided Packages are meant for clients with great body awareness who can confidently activate their core, for clients who are self-motivated, for clients who do not need one on one interaction with a trainer and for clients that either have difficulty developing a training program that address their goals and muscular imbalances, want new ideas for their current workout routine or want help in developing a dietary macro plan. These packages decease in price as time progresses.

Option 4

  • One individual session with trainer on zoom to discuss goals, perform a physical assessment and answer any questions.
  • Custom written workout plan with exercises that address your goals and muscular imbalance
  • Custom macro plan given
    • This method is designed to take the good food that we already eat and adjust the amounts accordingly to help us reach our goals. This is NOT a strict eat this plan. If you are looking for a program that tells you exactly what to eat than this is NOT for you
    • Notes: - clients log their food using myfitnesspal and weigh their food in grams and ounce. The more accurate we are in logging the better equipped we are in developing the right food plan for you.
  • Weekly weight ins and workout check ins via text or email with adjustments made as needed.
  • Trainer consultations as needed
  • 4 weeks - $500   8 weeks - $750  12 weeks - $1000

Self-Guided Packages are meant for clients with great body awareness who can confidently activate their core, for clients who are self-motivated, for clients who do not need one on one interaction with a trainer and for clients that either have difficulty developing a training program that address their goals and muscular imbalances, want new ideas for their current workout routine or want help in developing a dietary macro plan. These packages decease in price as time progresses.

Option 5

  • One individual session with trainer on zoom to discuss goals, past experiences and any answer questions
  • Custom macro plan given
    • This method is designed to take the good food that we already eat and adjust the amounts accordingly to help us reach our goals. This is NOT a strict eat this only plan. If you are looking for a program that tells you exactly what to eat than this is NOT for you
    • Notes: - clients log their food using myfitnesspal and weigh their food in grams and ounce. The more accurate we are in logging the better equipped we are in developing the right food plan for you.
  • Weekly weight ins via text or email with adjustments made as needed.
  • Trainer consultations as needed
  • 4 weeks - $400   8 weeks - $650  12 weeks - $900

Self-Guided Packages are meant for clients with great body awareness who can confidently activate their core, for clients who are self-motivated, for clients who do not need one on one interaction with a trainer and for clients that either have difficulty developing a training program that address their goals and muscular imbalances, want new ideas for their current workout routine or want help in developing a dietary macro plan. These packages decease in price as time progresses.

Option 6

  • One individual session with trainer on zoom to discuss goals, perform a physical assessment and answer any questions.
  • Custom written workout plan with exercises that address your goals and muscular imbalance
  • Weekly workout check ins via text or email with adjustments made as needed.
  • Trainer consultations as needed
  • 4 weeks - $360   8 weeks - $610  12 weeks - $820