Seven Characteristics of a Quality Trainer
Personal trainers can be instrumental in your health. Choose the right one and they’ll change your life for the better. Choose the wrong one and you’ll believe that fitness is not for you. So, how do we know if we’re working with a quality trainer? Here are seven characteristics to look for when working with a trainer.
Wait just a second.
Before I begin, I’d like to define the difference between a trainer and a mover. A trainer uses a systematic approach to help you reach your goals. A mover creates high energy workouts that make you sweat. Though both are important, this blog is intended for those of you interested in finding a trainer.
A quality trainer (is)…
- Knowledgeable – He or she demonstrates competence, uses a systematic approach and has the ability to explain the “why’s” of your program. Most quality trainers either have a degree in the field or certificates from accredited training bodies like ACE, ISSA, NCSF or NASM. Remember, information and application are two very different things. Don’t equate letters behind a name or the way a trainer looks to knowledge. (Some of the most aesthetically gifted trainers have very little knowledge about the body). Ask your trainer questions and see how he or she responds. Being able to simply explain the whys to your program is a very good sign. Avoid trainers that prescribe to the hard and heavy mentality. Trainers that believe that their job is to make you throw up during a workout either do not possess a true sense of what training is or are not genuinely invested in your health.
- Organized – An organized trainer is a must, especially if you need a trainer for accountability. If consistency is your downfall, choosing a trainer who struggles with time management, showing up or who appears disheveled will greatly reduce your chances of success. Choose a responsible trainer that follows through with what they say. Look for someone that revisits items from past conversations, sends you workout summaries or who performs weekly check-ins with questions like, “How is the diet going?” “Did you get your workouts in?” “How is your body feeling?” You should never be able to go more than 7 days without being reminded of your fitness goals.
- A Problem Solver – Quality trainers are expert problem solvers with the ability to think outside of the box. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve attempted a textbook approach with a client and it did not work. Was the client broken, was I, or was the textbook wrong? In theory, none of the above. But prescribing to one way of dealing with a challenge does not offer room for the nuances that come with training individuals. Quality trainers see your goals, see the challenges stopping you, and figure out a way to help you get there.
- Always Learning and Teaching – If your trainer is continually learning, reflecting, re-evaluating and adjusting their work, chances are you’ve found a quality one. Their passion for fitness and you should encourage them to improve their craft. The foundation of your trainer’s practice will not change but you should experience a deeper understanding and larger arsenal from them as time progresses. Your trainer’s new-found understanding will transfer over to you and in time you will find yourself thinking differently about your own fitness.
- Honest – With so much fluff in the fitness industry you can overlook quality training for people who promise you the moon in a short amount of time. It takes courage to tell you the truth even if it’s not something that you want to hear. A number of trainers have no problem lying to you to get your money. Quality trainers respect you, your health and your fitness goals enough to have tough conversations even if that means losing you as client. Cleave to the trainer who is honest with you no matter what.
- Leads by Example –Your trainer doesn’t have to be the strongest, leanest, fastest or most athletic person that you know, but their lifestyle and practices should demonstrate their belief that fitness works. Look for how they integrate health into their own lives. Are they salespeople with the latest gimmick or is fitness a part of their daily routines? You can’t truly be influential in promoting health if you don’t believe in it.
- Cares – Your trainer will be one of your biggest advocates on your fitness journey. They must be genuinely invested in your success. Are they attentive during sessions? Do they ask how you are doing? Does your trainer check in with you on your goals? Do they have tough conversations and hold you accountable? Does T.N.W. (trainer not watching) best describe your trainer? Run from any trainer that always seems to agree with you, who promises you fast and easy results, who is not invested in you or who declares that their way is the only way.
Signs That You’re Working with a Quality Trainer.
Now that we have the seven characteristics of a quality trainer, lets discuss signs to look for. Below is a list of statements. If you can respond, “yes” to most of them, then congratulations, you’ve found a quality trainer.
- You’re learning about the body, how it works, nutrition and other aspects of fitness.
- You are thinking differently about exercise, nutrition, sleep, your sport, etc.
- You’re getting results (in less pain, losing weight, more explosive, moving better).
- Your trainer knows when to push or give tough love and when to encourage and coddle.
- Your trainer isn’t easily moved by the latest fad in the fitness industry.
- You have a trainer with a high client retention rate.
- Your trainer is not inexpensive. Quality trainers know their worth.
- Your trainer emphasizes progress over time and never a quick fix. (The exception being with the athlete under a time constraint such as playing in a playoff game. In that instance a quality trainer will share the pros and cons of your options and let you decide what’s best for you.)
If you’ve found a knowledgeable, organized, problem-solving trainer who’s always learning and teaching, is honest, leads by example and cares, then congratulations, you’ve found a quality trainer. If you do not see these qualities in the person that you’re currently working with, then don’t be afraid to move on. It will be a learning process and at times you’ll have to work with some duds before you find your gem. Rest assured your quality trainer is out there. Once you find them get excited because your life will change for the better.
Do you want to learn how to choose a quality trainer? Check out 5 Steps to Finding a Good Trainer. Looking for quality training? Check out We Believe Fitness, where fitness dreams become a reality.
photo credit @jonathansborba